May 04, 2024

Bishop speaks to commissioners at VA meeting

Jasper County Treasurer and local veterans advocate Doug Bishop made a visit Wednesday to the Jasper County Commission of Veterans Affairs’ monthly meeting, delivering a “live well” presentation regarding local veterans.

Bishop, also the head of the Veterans Alliance in Jasper County, discussed the potential to bring a live well center to Jasper County. It would be modeled after a similar center in San Diego County, Calif.

“That thing is a tremendously huge place,” Bishop said. “What they do is you walk into the front door and there’s actually a person that says, ‘What can I help you with today?’ ‘Well, I’m having trouble with my kids or I have an unemployment thing. I’m a veteran that needs some assistance.’ And they point you in the right direction.

“But also, what each place is trying to do is if you go to the home health care side or if they go to the mental health counseling side is say, ‘Are you a veteran?’ If so, they transfer them over there,” Bishop added. “Each (place) basically gets the most bang for their buck.”

From his research, Bishop found San Diego County, by itself, has a sizable veteran population. The county increased their government funding by $1.3 billion. He heard their officials say they don’t invest their money, nor do they stick it into a savings account. They take it and they spend it as soon as it gets into their pockets.

Bishop said what he found could be a benefit to the Commission of Veterans Affairs.

“Your guys’ jobs is to get the veterans their benefits. The Veterans Alliance’s job is to get the honor and recognition. Sometimes, those tie together,” Bishop said. “I think in this case, we can tie some things together.”

In other VA business:

• Commissioners approved a renewal of the board’s ad in the Sully-based Hometown Press for $80 per month until the end of the fiscal year in June. That motion was approved unanimously.

• Commissioner Mike Naber reminded members that the Prairie City American Legion Post holds its meetings at 7 p.m., second Wednesday of the of each month and is open to any veteran interested.

Contact Orrin Shawl at 641-792-3121 ext. 6533 or at