May 07, 2024

A tale of two Newtons: Kansas vs. Iowa details announced

Newton, Iowa, are you ready to rumble? Newton, Kansas, has challenged us – which Newton is the best around?

Today marks the start of the Newton vs. Newton Challenge, a series of contests designed to foster community pride and have fun with a little friendly rivalry. The competitions include:

1. "The most popular Newton": This challenge will be measured by which community can get the most new likes on Facebook over the course of the challenge. Newton, Iowa will be measuring new likes on the page.

2. "The Newton with the cutest pets": This challenge will be measured by which community can get the most people to send in pictures of their pets. In Newton, Iowa, people can submit their photos via email to, via hashtag on Twitter or Instagram by using the hashtag #NewtonIowaRocks, or via Facebook by posting the photos to the Get to Know Newton page.

3. "The fittest Newton": This challenge will be measured by which community can get the largest 1-mile group walk to take place in their community during the 2-week challenge. The Newton, Iowa community walk will take place on Oct. 21 at 5:30 p.m. starting at the YMCA.

4. "The Newton with the most school pride": This challenge will be measured by which community can get the most people to take selfies wearing school colors in support of their high school teams on game day. In Newton, Iowa, we're encouraging a community-wide day of "red pride." Like the pet challenge, people can submit their photos via email to, via hashtag on Twitter or Instagram by using the hashtag #NewtonIowaRocks, or via Facebook by posting the photos to the Get to Know Newton page.

5. "The most giving Newton": This challenge will be which community can get the most items donated to the local food pantry throughout the course of the challenge. Newton, Iowa will be measuring food donations to the food bank at the Salvation Army. Donations can be dropped off at Newton City Hall, Newton Public Library, or directly to the Salvation Army food bank. If dropping off items at the food bank, be sure to specify that you want your donation counted toward the Newton VS Newton Challenge.

The winner will be announced Oct. 27. The cities are competing for bragging rights; may the best Newton win!