May 04, 2024

JCLWV to celebrate anniversary

The Jasper County League of Women Voters will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of the local unit at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Newton Arboretum.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization whose membership is open to all citizens, male and female, 18 years and older. The purpose of the league is to increase citizen understanding of major public issues and encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in the democratic process in our government. This is done through study and action.

Through study and action the Jasper County League has influenced several changes within the community and county. Some of these include a study which determined a need for a mental health center and a study regarding the need for day care for the elderly, which resulted in the establishment of Willis Day Care, currently known as Willowbrook. The league formed a coalition with the Newton-Kellogg PTA to present a community program on leaf burning and supported a ban on leaf burning to alternative means of disposal. In 1996 funding for rural libraries within the county was an issue. The league did a study which helped the Library Board and the Jasper County Supervisors in understanding the problems and funding for rural libraries was increased.

Another important function of the League is registering voters and educating citizens regarding their voting rights.

The League is inviting all former members and the public to join them at the Newton Arboretum for an evening of reconnections, remembering and refreshments.