May 03, 2024

Basketball wheelchairs stolen in Iowa

CEDAR RAPIDS (AP) — Wheelchairs used for basketball games have been stolen from a trailer at a Cedar Rapids YMCA parking lot.

More than a dozen wheelchairs belonging to SportAbility of Iowa were in the trailer, which was taken over the weekend from the Stoney Point YMCA lot.

The wheelchairs are used by the Iowa Chariots, whose team members have little or no use of their legs. Jayden Barrett is a director of SportAbility, and says the wheelchairs were bought with donated money. The chairs cost $3,000 to $5,000 each.

Barrett told Cedar Rapids television station KCRB the Chariots team performs during halftime at basketball games to raise money. He’s working with police to recover the stolen items, adding “in all honesty, I’d say take the trailer, just give us our chairs back.”