February 11, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Is it an opinion?

Letter to the Editor

The articles that I have written over the last year are called “opinion.” They do contain opinion, my opinion in the various forms it may present itself. I have heard from several that they do not share my opinion, with, presumably, the inference that they do not approve of me.

I am merely suggesting that on issues of the day, things that may or may not affect you directly, actions of our governments, our way of doing things, whether our lives are satisfactory, one would do well to form one’s own opinion. What I find normally is that most of us don’t have opinions, we simply adopt other, ready-made opinions that we hear on TV, on the radio, on Facebook or other social media. I do make an effort to have my own opinion and since it is my opinion it may be different from the current opinion on just about any subject. Simply saying you agree with another person’s opinion or don’t agree, is not the same as actually having an opinion.

If you were to ask the person with whom you are speaking, how did you come to that opinion, the conversation pretty quickly slides into absurdities clearly indicating the person holding the opinion has no knowledge of facts supporting such an opinion.

Yes, I do have bias — clearly; but we all do. Bias certainly affects the opinions I hold and bias affects the people you, as individuals, listen to to obtain the opinions that you adopt. Nothing unusual about any of this. In my daily conversations, there are few opinions that appear to be original in any sense. One can not enter a conversation about any topic currently being discussed on the air or over the internet that can in any way be considered originating with the person expressing an opinion about it. If you consider yourself a Republican, you will watch programs consistent with the views currently in vogue with the Republicans. If you consider yourself a Democrat, you will watch programs consistent with the views currently in vogue with the Democrats.

When I send a piece to the paper, I do not do it with the purpose of convincing you to have the same opinion as I do; I am merely suggesting that you have an opinion of your own and not simply grab some opinion off the TV screen that is consistent with your already possessed opinions, for your already possessed opinions have the same origin — the TV screen.

Having an opinion of your own does require some thought which is a major factor in not having one — why give it thought when you can quickly tune in to a talk show where opinions are flying by so fast all you have to do is reach out and grab one. Most of these opinions are glued to outrage and easy to grab onto.

A second requisite for having an opinion is knowing something about the subject for which opinions are being proffered. Most of us don’t know enough facts to have an opinion on most subjects being discussed and we are not going to spend the time to find any. But I certainly have a right to have an opinion, and by golly, I’m going to have one and I’m going to get really worked up over it whether I know anything about it or not.

When someone asks you for your opinion on a current topic, have you ever responded by saying, “I don’t have an opinion because I don’t know enough about it to have an opinion?” I personally don’t say that nearly as often as I ought. I really don’t know enough about many things to think I should have an opinion about them and in the course of a day I’m as guilty of it as anyone.

Richard E. H. Phelps II
