February 11, 2025

Letter to the Editor: A want or a need?

Letter to the Editor

I’m still shaking my head in disbelief over the remarks of school board member Ray Whipple concerning the installation of a concession stand and bathrooms at the baseball field in Newton.

It seems board member Whipple is the curmudgeon in the room who thinks concessions and bathrooms at a ballpark are “more of a want than a need.” Really, sir? As the saying goes, “when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!” Whipple acknowledges it’s a “bit of a hike” to make the journey to the softball field to use their facilities, but I guess in his mind, folks should toughen up because ... that’s just how it’s always been done? Try telling that to the folks who are urgently “in need.” I hope they can make it in time!

How ridiculous is that? Is there no one with the much-needed vision to improve this town who will advocate for these facilities?

This type of thinking is why Newton may never become a community that folks can brag about to their out-of-town friends and family.

Mr. Whipple thinks the price is too high and there are more critical needs to address. “Critical needs” like a new golf clubhouse that very few will ever use, or a splash pad (with bathrooms, no less!)

Just more of the backward thinking and shortsightedness and “can’t do” attitude that I’ve come to expect from those running the show around here.

Poor Newton. It seems we’ll never be able to run with the big dogs. What a shame.

John Moore
