I read with great interest about this optional insurance program available to Newton residents from HomeServe, a company that is available through Black Hills Energy and covers exterior sewer/septic lines, interior water lines, electrical systems, and gas lines on private property. It seems this is being sold to the city council as some way to mitigate the city’s responsibility to upgrade their own stormwater/sewer drainage systems that have been neglected for decades. Not exactly ...
Of course we all know that property owners have always been responsible for the upkeep and repairs to the stormwater/sewage lines on their own property. The city has never been responsible for maintaining, upgrading, and replacing the lines and pipes past the property line. Having a HomeServe policy doesn’t change that as they only cover repairs to the lines and pipes on the homeowner’s property. This has always been the case, so I’m not sure how having a HomeServe policy would help the city avoid replacing those aging systems under the public streets.
Also, the amount HomeServe will pay out to policy holders isn’t $8,500 as reported. It is capped at $6000 for exterior lines per policy term. I have had HomeServe coverage for three different utilities at my home for over a year and have used them once for repairs. The monthly premiums are reasonable and they are easy to deal with, but they only covered $2,500 on a $4,500 interior water line repair. And you can only use the service twice in one year, per each policy purchased, for a total of $5,000 per each policy term.
Lastly, HomeServe clients must use the contractor provided by HomeServe, they get no say in who comes to their home. Whether that matters to homeowners or not, it was another detail left out of the sales pitch to the council.
I guess I’m confused as to how HomeServe, which has always been available to Black Hills Energy natural gas customers in Newton, will benefit the city. It seems to me that HomeServe just wants to use the city to help them advertise to more customers and get more business.
It’s not that this is a bad idea. It’s a good program, especially if you own an older home with older utility lines. I am happy having HomeServe to cover any unexpected repairs on my property and others might also think so.
I just couldn’t figure out why the city thinks this is some new program that Newton residents were unaware of. If you have Black Hills Energy, you’ve already gotten all the flyers and mailings about HomeServe for a couple of years now. Facts matter.
John Moore