October 22, 2024

Letter to the Editor: ‘The Sound of Music’ was spectacular!

Letter to the Editor

The latest production by more than 50 well-versed artists at the Newton Community Theatre turned out to be a fantastic “blockbuster” from beginning to end. It was the best of the best.

With 16 historically dressed nuns, led by The Mother Abbess, Linda Erickson, throughout this 3-hour play, Maria, Leah Cope, the future wife of Captain Von Trapp, Lonnie Appleby, was surrounded by seven great little “cherubs” who played their parts very well in Austrian costumes. The rest of this great cast matched this talent to give us a play that will be unforgettable to the well-packed house, who were generous in their applause from beginning to end.

The full orchestra played those delightful songs from the original film way back in the 1960s, when Juilie Andrews was the star of the show. The stage and production crew were always right on target and never seemed to miss a beat. Costuming for everyone was super.

Looking back, I just marvel at the dedication given by well over 100 in our community who engineered this unforgettable production. It’s just too bad that we couldn’t push a magic button, and transform this group directly to Broadway in New York City. They would fit right in and bring crowds to their great performance!

John McNeer
