February 17, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Storm sewer passage

Letter to the Editor

I was so pleased this didn’t pass. YET.

I am so sick of all of our utilities going up (our pension doesn’t though). Bad enough getting groceries can floor you.

I can remember our “water bill” being $50. Now it is more than $100! I had new plumbing in not long ago and new hot water heater. I don’t do laundry unless it really counts. I have crossed off things to “save” on bills till I am ready to scream through the streets. When is this town and county going to realize we the people of Newton and Jasper County can’t take anymore.

Spend our tax money on such projects as this?

I can remember my folks having this problem and at one time we had to replace a connection from our house to the street. I wonder how many know when houses were built 80 years ago sewer pipes were a joined to a neighbor’s house? We fainted!

Please have the decency to start looking at how to use money to improve life on the citizens of our town. We don’t have the funds for such projects now, we can hardly live.

Sherryl Pherigo

Newton Iowa