September 20, 2024

Letter to the Editor: A fantastic performance

If Meredith Wilson, who produced the great musical “The Music Man” film way back in 1962, had been in Newton to observe the great performances last weekend at the Newton High School, he would indeed have been impressed. It was the best of the best!

Melinda Robinson, director, once again turned the world over with this great play, performed by over 40 students of various ages in full costume. The play was lively from beginning to end, with great music from the original film and unbelievable staging.

Melinda’s dad, Marvin Campbell, once again spent endless hours creating the large full-color 3-dimensional scenes of the south side of the Newton square, taken from a postcard back in the early 1900s. I have just learned that this artistic set of buildings will soon be part of history at the Jasper County Museum, to be enjoyed in the years ahead.

Thanks should also go to Sue Buekema for heading up the group who acquired the colorful historic costumes, and Michelle Banwell for arranging the loan of all the band instruments. There was great support from the school administration and many others in the community for this great production of performing arts.

How fortunate the citizens of Jasper County are to have this artistic talent shared with one and all. Productions like this would come at a heavy price if performed in any major city.

John D. McNeer
