June 16, 2024

Letter to the Editor: We really could use a change

I am so glad that for the first time in about a dozen years there will be a serious challenger for Newton mayor in this upcoming election. For far too long our current mayor has enjoyed easy election victories. I mean, it’s awfully hard to lose when you are the only one in the race.

It seems those easy walk-in victories have given the current mayor a complacent attitude, and for that reason Newton hasn’t changed much that I’ve seen in the past seven years I’ve been back in town. In fact, Newton has lost more business than we have gained, we have seen potential developments stalled or given up on, the list goes on. The Newton Inn and Mid-Iowa Motel debacles immediately come to mind. The softball complex that is still just a vision, etc. That eyesore that has been sitting on the Northwest corner of the square since the derecho came through.

Where are the new businesses? Legacy Plaza area aside, you can drive through Newton and it looks about the same now as it did in the early 2000s when Maytag was shutting down.

And don’t forget the current mayor has been in office so long he has become very sensitive to criticism, changing city council meeting rules to inhibit citizens from speaking their minds, having them arrested for making statements that may not have been very nice, but were well within the rights of free speech. This is not what we want in our leaders. It’s not what I want.

So I’m so glad we will finally get some new leadership for Newton. Someone who does not say, “The budget won’t allow this,” but rather, “Let’s find a way to get this done!” and then won’t give up until it happens.

Someone who will bring a fresh, new vision for the future of Newton instead of simply keeping things plodding along as they always have.

We need to pull ourselves out of this slump we have been in for far too long and this current mayor is not the person to lead us out of that slump and into the fresh air.

Which is why I challenge every citizen of Newton to join me in supporting and voting this next election for Randy Ervin for Newton Mayor. Erv has the experience, the attitude, and the will to turn Newton around, to make it a place that people and businesses will want to locate to and live in, not just a rest stop on the Interstate, or a place to visit only when some event comes to town.

We really could use a change!

John Moore
