February 17, 2025

Why are Biden-Harris bureaucrats bullying Iowa small businesses?

By Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks

In May 2023, after hearing from small businesses and families across Iowa, the state legislature enacted a new labor law permitting teenagers to work an additional two hours per day — per their choice — during the school year. In addition to allowing reasonable later working hours, the legislation also allows these young Iowans to serve alcohol in restaurants only if they have express, written permission from their parents or guardians and other safeguards.

In addition to empowering young Iowans to learn new skills and save for their future, it affords teenagers of legal working age flexibility during the school year to earn additional money. This commonsense law also helps Iowa small businesses gain relief from worker shortages.

And then, unfortunately, the long arm of D.C. bureaucrats in the Biden-Harris Administration proverbially raided and punished Main Street businesses across Iowa. Without notice, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) launched investigations and slapped exorbitant fines on Iowa small businesses for simply abiding by state law.

I am gravely concerned about these bullying acts of enforcement by the DOL. My office has heard from numerous small business owners who have been subjected to these investigations and fines.

One small business targeted by the DOL is Sugapeach Chicken and Fish Fry in North Liberty. The restaurant — which gave opportunities to teenagers desiring additional hours of employment — faces a fine of $65,000, threatening its very existence. Some Iowa businesses are threatened by DOL fines up to $180,000.

For 14- and 15-year-olds, federal law states school-year work hours end before 7 and 9 p.m. during the school year and summer, respectively. Iowa’s 2023 law allows for 9 and 11 p.m. respectively, which is a mere two extra hours.

More than 25 states provide greater flexibility than the federal government with night or maximum work hours. This includes states currently led by Republicans and Democrats. Furthermore, Iowa’s work hours have been above the federal maximum for more than half a century.

Why is the Biden-Harris Administration singling out Iowa? Why now?

As Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds said, we can all agree that the safety, health, well-being and education of our youth is our highest priority.

The DOL’s draconian penalties are a fatal blow to Main Street job creators across Iowa for simply abiding by state law. The Labor Department continues to cling to outdated regulations and listen to those fear-mongering that this new law is akin to putting children in a 19th-century sweatshop.

In the Hawkeye State, we are proud to instill the value of dignified work in our younger generations. Regrettably, out-of-touch, paper-pushing bureaucrats 900 miles away in D.C. view this as a negative.

While the entire Iowa Delegation is united in this effort, concerned Iowans should call and email the Department of Labor and the White House to bring attention to this issue.

As your representative in Congress, I will not waver in demanding answers from the Biden-Harris Administration to deliver relief for Iowa families and small businesses whose livelihoods are being threatened by Uncle Sam.