April 25, 2024

What lines should be drawn on abortion and life

By Jon Dunwell

With the overturning of Roe v Wade we will be afforded the opportunity as Iowans to determine what lines should be drawn on abortion and life. And though many dread the debate because of its potential for divisiveness, it’s a needed and necessary discussion. Afterall, both sides deem it to be extremely important. And removing it from the decision of a few judges to “we the people” of Iowa empowers all of us to become part of determining Iowa’s values.

Dangers certainly lurk around the pending debate. If it devolves to nothing more than “catchy passion inflaming” soundbites for each side to fling at the other side, we will have thwarted a tremendous opportunity for a serious discussion about a serious issue. And ultimately, we will have added to the division, hatred, and intolerance that has gripped our political divide.

We must begin with an acknowledgement of our diverse opinions and a respect for our representative process. As I often remind others, I will fight for …

• Everyone to have a seat at the table

• Your right to be heard

• But I will not fight for the disregard/destruction of our process and the squelching of other’s ideas.

Therefore, though I have strong ideas about this issue, I encourage you to share your potentially contrarian views with me. Your engagement creates healthy tension. And on important subjects, my pending debates and votes need the context of your thoughts and ideas.

Secondly, I’m hoping we can have a real debate about the concepts that undergird the different positions. Ultimately, it’s not about “right to life” and “a woman’s choice.”. Both are conclusions derived from underlying beliefs. It’s those beliefs we need to explore, understand, and discuss.

Listed below are some of the real issues we need to discuss.

1. When does life begin? What do science and medicine reveal to us about the start of life and the experience in the womb (pain, response to stimuli, etc)?

2. When does life or the potential for life need to be recognized and protected?

3. What are the rights of a mother in determining the direction of the pregnancy? Are there any rights for the father that need to be recognized? If we determine life exists in the womb, can mom (and/or dad) determine to end that life?

4. Do exceptions toward your position exist? If so, why?

5. Are there circumstances when the rights of one supersede the rights of another?

6. What role should government play in this issue? Is the position being taken consistent?

7. What does your position communicate about Iowa’s values?

Some may feel my questions reveal my position. I encourage you to share with me other questions you believe need to be asked, explored, and answered. For me, answering some questions, determines the answer of others. And though I have worked through many of these issues in the past, the current ruling necessitates revisiting them again and helping others take their own journey.

I know we won’t all agree. But on such an important subject, we need to work toward having a real discussion rather than a divisive argument. And yes, I know I’m being idealistic. Regardless, I’m going to try and do my part. I know I won’t always be successful. But I’m going to try.

So, let’s get started. What are your thoughts around this issue of abortion and life? How would you answer some of the questions listed above? What questions would you add?