For the past several years, the American Legion Post 111 in Newton has kicked off its year of events with one of its biggest events of all: the chili cook-off. It is not only a competition for the cook-off contestants and a chance for attendees to win door prizes, it is a strong fundraiser for the local American Legion.
Mady McKim, historian and event organizer for the American Legion, said the cook-off is a popular event for the organization. She said the event is now 10 years old; even when the cook-off was downsized during the pandemic years, McKim said veterans were still offering chili as a fundraiser.
These days the cook-off is held in full at the American Legion and there is always plenty of chili to go around. The spicy aroma of hot chili certainly has a way of making mouths water, and contestants often provide cups to sample each chili. McKim stressed it is all-you-can-eat chili. Folks certainly come hungry.
“It’s a very important event,” McKim said. “We’ve made a profit every time and we always look forward to it because it’s so fun! I think that’s one of the main things people like about it … And it brings people that maybe wouldn’t normally come to the Legion. The past few years we’re getting more kids and families.”
Proceeds from the cook-off will go towards replacing the electric utilities at the American Legion. McKim said the building has not updated its electrical since the Legion moved into it in the late 1970s. It is a project that McKim said directly benefits future chili cook-offs, too.
“Every chili cook-off we’ll blow fuses because we have so many roasters,” she said. “So next year we won’t have that problem!”
The chili cook-off is from 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 15 at the American Legion Post 111, 1101 W. Fourth St. S., in Newton. Tickets cost $5 each. Door prizes will be given out and there will be a 50/50 drawing. Contestants can register by Feb. 10. The display theme this year is the 1960s. The winner of best display gets $35.
Third place earns $50, second place gets $75 and first place takes home $100. Cinnamon rolls and hotdogs will also be available for purchase.