February 11, 2025

Roadways near Hilltop Estates subdivision added to county maintenance

County will designate maintenance to North 51st Avenue West and Fairview Lane

Two roadways by the Hilltop Estates subdivision were added to Jasper County's maintenance schedule.

Two roadways or portions of roadways in Jasper County have been accepted for secondary roads maintenance. North 51st Avenue West along the Hilltop Estates subdivision and Fairview Lane have officially been added into the county’s road maintenance following approval from the supervisors at their Dec. 31 meeting.

County Engineer Michael Frietsch said the developer of Hilltop Estates has paved 660 feet of road in concrete. It was now appropriate for the county to pass a resolution accepting the road for maintenance and allow the issuance of maintenance bonds and release the performance bonds.

Supervisor Brandon Talsma asked Frietsch if he was satisfied with the way the work was completed. Frietsch was complimentary of the developer’s efforts to pave the roadway. The only thing the secondary roads department is going to have to do now is proof and inspect the asphalt that leads toward the county line.

Jasper County Auditor Jenna Jennings confirmed the developer has met all of his obligations and received the certified copies of documents.

Fairview Lane is a cul-de-sac road in Hilltop Estates that ends in about 0.3 of a mile to the north of North 51st Avenue West. Again, Frietsch was happy with the work. He said crews stabilized the base with cement and six inches of concrete, along with high performance mix used on bridge approaches.

The board of supervisors voted 3-0 to pass both resolutions.

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.