January 22, 2025

Club News

Baxter Federated Garden Club

Baxter Federated Garden Club met Dec. 11. Eleven members were present to enjoy a Christmas potluck and gathering hosted by Deb Krampe.

Meeting called to order by co-president Macy Lisk. For roll call members shared their favorite Christmas movie.

Secretary report was given by secretary Deb Krampe who read the November minutes. There were no additions or corrections so minutes stood as read.

Treasurer report was given by Janet Damman.

Old and New Business

Co-president Macy Lisk thanked all members who helped out in 2025 with our many projects throughout the year,

Several members shared that they had gone to the Jasper County Museum Tree-Mendous Christmas event and thanked Laura, Lynette, and Peggy for a great job they did decorating the garden club’s tree.

Member Beth Simbro put together our silent auction basket for Christmas in Baxter, This auction benefits all the fun Christmas events Baxter puts on. Club members donated all the items for the basket.

After further discussion Beth Simbro motioned that we have a Tea fundraiser in 2025, Macy Lisk seconded the motion and the motioned carried. A committee of Peggy Smith, Laura Hanawalt, Cindy Brunner, and Betty Damman was elected to plan this event.

The club voted to keep our meeting times for next year the same. We will meet the second Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Baxter Community Building unless specified differently. The club will meet the months of March through December.

Members spent some time writing down ideas for next year’s meetings, programs, and trip.

Laura Hanawalt shared the Book of Evidence she completed and is ready to send in to FGCI. Members praised and thanked Laura for doing a fantastic job. Laura volunteered to continue to put together the Book of Evidence for next year. All year-end reports will be sent in by their due dates.

Election of Officers

Officers for next year will be Macy Lisk as president, Peggy Smith as vice-president, and Deb Krampe as secretary, Janet Damman as treasurer. Officers will meet on Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Macy’s to prepare for the 2025 year.