February 17, 2025

Prairie City Lions Club supports backpack program

Lion President Greg Townley presents a check to Mandy Shannon, Monroe Elementary Assistant Principal.

The Prairie City Lions Club conducts pancake breakfasts one Saturday each month from October to April to raise money to support local groups. The breakfast Jan. 27 was to support the PCM Backpack Buddy Program. This program provides food on weekends for approximately 100 PCM Elementary and high school students. Families who use the free and reduced lunch program are eligible to sign up.

The Backpack Program is a partnership between the PCM Elementary PTO and the PCM Food Pantry in Monroe. Food is purchased at reduced cost from the Central Iowa Food Bank when food items are available. Otherwise, volunteers go to stores weekly to purchase food. Food is delivered to Monroe Elementary where students in 2nd and 3rd grade who are part of the “Leader in Me” program carry the food into the building and then volunteers organize the food and pack the bags. “Leader in Me” students from the elementary schools in Prairie City and Monroe place the bags outside the appropriate classrooms so students who receive the bags can pick them up on Friday. The program is funded fully by donations.

PCM Backpack Buddy Program volunteers assisted with advertising and working at the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Jan. 27. The breakfast netted $675 of profit all of which was donated to the Backpack Program.

The next pancake breakfast is from 7 to 9 a.m. Saturday, March 23 at the Prairie City Community Center with proceeds going to PCM Cub Scout Pack 348. The final breakfast will be April 27 with proceeds going to the Lions Club Project Fund and Prairie City Christmas lights.

The Prairie City Lions Club stays active throughout the year and does a lot to support the community. More members are needed. If you are interested in serving the community, you are invited to contact Lion President Greg Townley at 515-321-5085 or email gregory.a.townley@gmail.com or one of the other members to learn more about becoming a member.