February 11, 2025

Newton certified enrollment is up but students served data shows different

Open enroll ins and outs have also increased from last year

Newton Superintendent Tom Messinger gives an enrollment update during a past school board meeting.

Enrollment at Newton Community School District has increased by about 17 students this year, at least according to the certified count. But the amount of students served — colloquially referred to as “butts in seats” — has decreased by about 13 students, administrators said at the Oct. 24 school board meeting.

In total, there are an estimated 2,957 students enrolled in Newton public schools this year, according to the school’s data.

Newton Superintendent Tom Messinger said that number is what the district counts for the state. The amount of students served is about 2,751, which is less than the certified count. With the district’s preschool, non-resident and limited English students, the grand total of all students receiving instruction is 2,857.

Students served determines the amount of the students the school keeps the money for, Messinger said. To him the most important number is students served.

At the same time more students are open enrolling out and open enrolling in to Newton schools. Compared to the previous school year there are 246 students open enrolled out, versus the 200 from last year. Likewise, 40 students are open enrolling in to Newton compared to the 26 students the year before.

School board member Travis Padget asked Messinger if the district is confident in these numbers, especially considering the process in getting to the final count. A few weeks before the final count was certified, Newton’s enrollment was seeing a big boost. But the numbers could fluctuate. One week later they did.

Administrators and school board members were frustrated with the discrepancies and rapid fluctuations, which many attributed to the Iowa Legislature passing a law lifted the deadline on open enrollment. Messinger even told school board members in late September the district was seeing more open enrollments.

It became a “big burden” on the school district. In addition to the struggles with planning, keeping track of the open enroll ins and outs has been a challenge.

To answer Padget’s question, Messinger said the data brought to the school board were the final numbers submitted to the state. At the time of the Oct. 24 meeting, the superintendent was unsure of any corrections or adjustments that needed to be made. There could be some later on. But for now no changes.

Preschool numbers are increasing in Newton schools, which school board member Josh Cantu was quick to point out. He commended the community partners of Peck Child Development and Newton YMCA, specifically for adopting the school district’s preschool curriculum.

Although the data shows an increase of 13 preschool students, preschoolers are weighted at 50 percent. Meaning Newton actually has 26 more preschoolers.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 560 or cbraunschweig@newtondailynews.com

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.