May 05, 2024

Kids can earn ‘brag tags’ for meeting reading goals

Newton Public Library’s summer reading program kicks off June 1

Phyllis Peter has a chain necklace full of what she and the other librarians at Newton Public Library call “brag tags.” The small plastic tokens come in various shapes, sizes and styles. Some even feature recognizable pop culture images, such as lightsabers and Poké Balls. Peter is convinced kids will love ‘em.

The youth services library said kids and teenagers registered for the library’s summer reading program can earn these brag tags all season long by meeting their reading goals. Those participating can either choose to use paper logs to chronicle their reading history, or use the ReadSquared app going live June 1.

Local youth will receive their first brag tag upon registering for the program.

“They’ll get brag tags for each ‘level’ they complete,” Peter said. “For the older kids, reading a chapter book is going to count as 100 points, and the picture books are going to count as 50 points. That way the older kids are reading less books, but their books are longer.”

By the end of summer, registrants in the program can also earn a ticket to a library pool party. The younger children can participate, too, Peter said. Registered preschoolers and toddlers may count books that are read to them by parents or guardians.

Newton Public Library will host its program kickoff party 4-7 p.m. June 1. Kids who register in the event will receive one free item from Sea Turtle Ice Cream.

Peter stressed the importance of maintaining kids’ reading habits. She said children who read a minimum of six books while in summer reading programs score higher in reading and math when they return to school. The library also fills an “important niche” in the community by offering free, all-ages programming.

Last year, the pandemic stifled the library’s summer reading program entries from roughly 600 participants to less than 150. Peter expects to see more kids return this year as restrictions lift and more in-person events can be held safely.

“This feels more like getting back to normal where we can actually have in-person events and get back to the purpose of the library: trying to keep kids excited about reading and give them some entertainment and some educational opportunities,” Peter said.

In addition to its summer reading program, the Newton Public Library will host a number of events for kids and families in the area:

Comedy Magician Mikayla Oz at 6 p.m. June 14. A free outdoor magic show will be held on the library lawn. Bring a blanket to sit on. Lawn chair swill only be allowed in the back row so that children can see. No registration is required.

Iowa State Insect Zoo at 10 a.m.-noon June 17. Iowa State University Entomologists share insects from around the world in this open house format event. Guests of all ages can visit any time. No registration is required.

SOAR Raptor Rescue at 10 a.m. June 22. Saving Our Avian Resources (SOAR) raptor rehabilitation from Manning, Iowa will bring some of their current raptor rehab patients and share information about their important work. The program will be held on the library lawn. Bring a blanket to sit on. No registration is required.

Pint-Sized Polkas at 1 p.m. June 29. Mike Schneider, a nationally known accordion player and children’s polka musician from Clinton, Wis., will be perform a show on the library lawn. Bring a blanket to sit on or a lawn chair. No registration is required.

Comedy Juggler Jason Kollum at 10 a.m. July 21. Kollum will entertain the crowd with an amazing juggling show held on the library lawn, followed by a Great Big Bubble Making event. Bring a blanket to sit on. No registration is required.

Drum Safari Concert at 6 p.m. July 22. Lots of audience participation will be needed in this event, which includes interactive songs, dancing and drumming. The concert will be held on the library lawn. Bring a blanket to sit on. No registration is required.

• Absolute Science Bubble Open House at 10 a.m.-noon July 26. Call the library or email Peter at two weeks before the event to pick up a ticket or have one emailed for a 20-minute time slot at the event. The open house format event will distribute tickets to spread the crowd out, ensuring everyone gets a chance to make bubbles at one of the six bubble stations.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.