February 17, 2025

Club News

Baxter Garden Club

The Baxter Federated Garden Club met Nov. 9. Eight members were present. Program presentation was given by member, Deb Krampe.

Deb talked about her 12 essential hand tools for basic gardening and how to care and maintain your tools.

Meeting called to order by co-president Beth Simbro. For roll call members shared, “What are you thankful for?”

Secretary report was given by secretary Deb Krampe who read the September and October minutes. Two corrections will be made on the September minutes. Payment for mulch was made to Beth not Macy and Beth suggested adding a sharing time at the end of each of our meetings. Federated point sheets were handed out to each member to become familiar with how our club can earn points. Deb reported that the article for the winter issue of FGCI was sent in.

Treasurer report was given by treasurer Mallory Carter.

Two transactions were made – $25 to Beth for the mulch and $68 to Penny’s for Pines. Deb made a motion for Macy to purchase four totes on wheels to put past years records in. Mallory seconded it and motion carried. Peggy made a motion that we donate $20 to the American Legion’s helicopter fundraiser. Beth seconded it and motion carried. Mallory made a motion that the club donate $30 each to the FGCI Horticulture Scholarship and the FGCI Landscape Design Scholarship. After discussion on how this would help the club earn Blue Ribbon award it was voted to do so.


A certificate from the Penny’s for Pines was passed around for members to see.

Baxter’s Christmas events were shared.

Bethany Church’s concert of Dec. 2 was shared.

Old and New Business

Club members donated food to the Food Pantry. A Food Pantry wish list was handed out.

It was decided to put Baxter Garden Club, est. 1952 on our brick that will be located in the Master Gardener Inspiration Garden at DMACC in Newton.

Beth shared that our year-end reports will be due by Dec. 31 and officers will need to get together to complete these reports.

Fall clean-up at the cemetery went well and thank you to all who helped. Deb will be clearing off the main street planters soon so the ones on the north end can be decorated for Christmas.

Deb reported that the Master Gardener Mum sale went very well and all mums were sold. Beth shared that dirt work was being done at Geise Park and that we could place the purchased planters anytime and trees could be planted. It was decided to wait till spring. Beth, Peggy, and Laura will be decorating the Garden Club’s Christmas Tree that will be at the Jasper County Museum over the holiday.

December’s meeting will be our annual Christmas potluck Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. at Deb Krampe’s house. We will have a short meeting to elect officers, set goals for next year, and discuss program agenda.

Meeting adjourned

Treats served by Beth Simbro