July 27, 2024

Club News

Baxter Garden Club

Baxter Garden Club met at 7 p.m. April 13 at the community building. Marie Van Beek gave a program on the Geise Park updates. Roll call was “Are you planting a tree this spring?” Secretary and treasurer reports were given.

Correspondence and announcements were discussed as well as old and new business. Cleanup day will be April 29. Planters will be done on May 13.

Snacks were served.

The next meeting will be held on May 11. Meet at city hall at 6:30 and carpool to the Hammer acreage for a program on wildflowers and related subjects. Meeting afterward at city hall.

Baxter Garden Club

Baxter Garden Club held its first spring tea lunch at 1 p.m. at the Cornerstone Church in Newton April 15. Eleven tables were decorated by six members. See the club’s Facebook page for photos. Chicken salad on croissants, pasta salad and several choices of desserts were served. Guest speaker was Marcelene Simbro Woodhouse of Pella Park and Recreation.