April 19, 2024

Club News

Colfax Historical Society

The April 18 meeting of the Colfax Historical Society was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Kevin Williams and he thanked everyone for attending. Members present were: Karen Russell, Cindy L. Van Dusseldorp, Shawn Cogley, Larry Daft, Stanley Daft, Aaron Bartholmey, Bill Hansen, Judy Sullivan, BJ Williams, Rachel Wilty, Jim Warnock and facility manager Amanda Moon. Minutes of the March 21 meeting were read. Treasurer’s report was presented.

Aaron read a request from the Colfax Library. They are wanting to donate a spinning wheel that has been in the library since 1950. It was donated to the library from Nellie Wood. We will accept the spinning wheel.

Rental Report was handed out to everyone.

Karl Peters of Monroe will be starting the sewer/water line work with the DOT right of way work anytime now. The cost of the bid is: sewer - $10,982.50, water -$12,992.00 = $23,974.50.

Kevin has been working on getting more information on Joe Laws, as we are in favor of naming the new football field in honor of Joe Laws (a famous football player from Colfax who played at the University of Iowa and for the Green Bay Packers). He is going to the next school board meeting to address the issue further.

Shawn will contact our insurance agent to give us the costs of additionally insuring the artifacts in our museum.

Karen will be securing a brass nameplate for Thomas Phelan from Cardinal Trophy to be put on the $10,000 or over donation board, Kevin will check into applying for a Jasper CountyFoundation $10,000 award with deadline April 30. Larry D. and Shawn will be helping move an item that Stanley wants to donate.

A big thank you to Don Jessen for replacing the tattered flag. Also, Judy Sullivan for filling in for Karen for four months.

We will be open the second Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 14. The volunteers will be Judy and Cindy from 10 a.m. to noon and from noon until 2 p.m. will be Kevin and BJ. Admission is free.

Next meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 16. It is open to anyone who would like to attend.

Baxter Garden Club

The Baxter Garden Club met at 7 p.m. April 12 at the community building. The program was given on Geise Park.

Nine members, two guests and our speaker enjoyed cake and refreshments in celebration of our club’s 70th anniversary. Awards and scrapbooks from past years were on display.

Roll call was “Are you planting a tree this year? If so, what kind?” Secretary and treasurer reports were given.

Old business was the Kellogg Garden Club Tea. New business was signuip sheet for watering planters; attendees for district meeting and cemetery and city sign cleanup to be at 9 a.m. April 30.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. May 10 at the community building. We will have a speaker from Earl May.