May 03, 2024

A little laugh

Everyone has their own laugh. Some are quick and repetitive, some are deep, booming chuckles that take their time to develop.

We all have a polite laugh, a snicker and a belly laugh that comes out when we are laughing so hard we can barely breathe. Sometimes family members have similar laughs and you can tell who got a kick out of something even if they are sitting behind you.

Laughter is often called “the best medicine” and can go a long way to help cure a down day. Whether a quick quip, an extended chuckle or a roll-on-the-ground laugh, you usually feel a little bit better after having a laugh.

A few months ago, my youngest daughter developed a new laugh. Her normal laugh was a cute, girly giggle that often made me start laughing along with her. Now, she has more of a higher pitch fake sounding polite laugh that honestly makes me laugh even more.

I don’t remember when she first started with this laugh but it caught me off guard when I first heard it. It was like she was trying to be nice and laugh at something, even though she didn’t think it was very funny. I thought she was just doing precisely that, but that laugh has continued months later and seems to flow right out like normal.

When she was a baby, we were lucky enough to record a laughing session she had with her sister that I still can’t watch with getting a big smile. You never know when a baby will find funny and we were sitting in the bathroom watching her older sister take a bath when she started shouting “boo.” My youngest thought it was hilarious and had baby belly laughs going as long as they kept playing the game.

I don’t know if there is an evolution of laughs as your grow older but her new laugh is a hoot. She can still get going with her regular laugh, a more traditional girly laugh for a kiddo her age. It’s when she has a quick giggle we hear her new one.

Once again, I am amazed as a mom the new things that happen in our lives, even if it is just a new laugh. The girls are constantly surprising me with their wit and knowledge, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at