April 25, 2024

Thanks to the community

On April 19, members of the community came together for the annual Good Friday worship observance. Humanity’s Way of the Cross involved walking along a route that stopped at seven of the downtown churches. At each stop, meditations were shared, prayers were lifted, and singing united the group in remembering the passion of Jesus Christ. Each year, the event is organized by the Mission Coalition, an inter-denominational group of churches that seeks to serve the community through various service projects.

We would like to thank the volunteers who made this year’s event possible: Karen Crawford, Kathy Trotter, Bruce Hoffmeier, Barry Hurto, Merle Smith, Duane Quanbeck, Ben Caldwell, Bob Sandquist, Barbara Gannon, Steve Knight, Doug Oelke, Joyce Guthrie, Bruce Curtis, Bev Curtis, Bill Ehler, Duane Hobbs, Craig Armstrong, Jessica Petersen, Mary Kay Hoft, Judy Snook, Gary Marzolf, Tori Reynolds, Kathy Peterson, Judy Manusos, Don Freeman, Ken Johnson, Shirley Johnson, Joy Lane, Jane Repp, Dave Stolper, George Wilkening, Shirley Stevens, Linda Kirchhoff, Mickey VanBaale, Linda Curtis-Stolper and everyone else who helped open doors, run sound systems, etc.

Good Friday in 2020 will be April 10. All are invited and encouraged to mark your calendar and plan to spend an hour reflecting on the meaning of the day.

On behalf of the Mission Coalition,

Linda Curtis-Stolper
