April 29, 2024

Newton talks about ... dental health

Good Oral Health can Enhance School Performance

You know how it feels when you have a nagging toothache. It’s hard to think straight, get anything done or focus on work. Well, kids are no different when it comes to the effects of dental pain. As they head back to school, you will want to make sure untreated dental issues are not a distraction.

As reported by the Surgeon General’s Oral Health Report in 2000, “More than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental related illness.”

A more recently published report by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry explains, “Children with dental pain may be irritable, withdrawn or unable to concentrate ... If left untreated, tooth decay could become infected and lead to problems eating, speaking and learning.”

Nothing Protects Teeth like
Dental Sealants

Dental sealants provide a thin, protective coating that fills and bonds to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth.

It’s an “over-coat” of protection.

Think of sealants as coatings of protection. They shield deep grooves in your teeth from the acids formed by decay-causing bacteria.

The CDC reports that sealants are important for school-aged children. Yet, kiddos 6-11 years old, only 43 percent have them. Without sealants, children are three times more at risk for cavities.

A visit to your family dentist every 6 months can prevent toothaches and determine whether sealants are appropriate for your child.