May 07, 2024

Morgans at Kellogg UMC barbecue

Kellogg United Methodist Church, 417 Second St., will host a free barbecue and program at 6 p.m. Saturday at the church.

This free meal will be served in fellowship hall and all are invited to enjoy hot dogs and brats from the grill, baked beans, chips and dip, cupcakes and beverages.

Following supper at 7 p.m., Pam Morgan and her husband Phil, will share a program of testimony and music. Pam, a rising gospel music star, was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the chest down. She was told she would never walk again, but faith brought her to her feet. Hear the amazing story that she has told to audiences on Oprah, Montel and The 700 Club.