May 02, 2024

It’s all good at the end of the day

Have you ever just open your eyes first thing in the morning knowing it’s going to be one of those days?

Well, that day is here and now.

4:45 a.m. — I can feel my upper lip curled on the left side and my brow is furrowed. I’m thinking my day’s attire should include a caution light on a chain around my neck to forewarn anyone unfortunate enough to cross my path.

Everything is ticking me off.

Suddenly, the little smart TV in my kitchen isn’t so smart. I sat down this morning with my coffee, ready to continue watching a series on Hulu, and it tells me there is no internet connection and I was in no mood to try and figure out the problem. Stupid TV.

Who is the idiot that designed the round container for salt and why did they think it was a good idea to not put the spout on the edge so I could get ALL of the salt out?

Roughly seven times out of 10, I can open a bag of dog food, but those other three times? The string I’m supposed to pull to open the bag always ends up in a huge knot.

7:45 a.m. — Things are looking up.

I picked up my mail before work and there was a small card stock-type letter included. I was assuming it was one of those rebate requests I’m frequently sending off to Wisconsin for items we’ve purchased as we are continually tenderly, lovingly, caring for our house.

But when I opened it, all I could do was “pffft” and smile. It was a rebate ... sort of.

I had just received payment from a class-action lawsuit I was involved with from the purchase of a diamond(ish) ring I’d made at JC Penney’s about 10 years ago.

Granted, it was only a $10 payout, but in my view, it’s free money!

Once I got to work and started my day, I guess things went along as they always do ... morning shoptalk followed by a bit of gossip with a co-worker, then noses to the grindstone.

4 p.m. — I’m not sure how anyone, no matter what mood they start their day in, could not have their spirits lifted by the happiness that greets me each day as I unlock the door to my house and walk in. Twelve excited paws prancing, three tails wagging, tongues hanging out, happy whimpers and barks, and me trying to make my way through all that to the kitchen as I ask my ‘girls’ how their day went. It’s always a brief conversation, since by then they’re on the run to the back door ready to work off some energy outside.

7 p.m. — I’ve taken care of all my afternoon and evening rituals ... visited with Mick about our days, fed the girls, prepared our dinner, eaten and cleaned the kitchen, showered and am now contently planted in my recliner for some ‘me’ time.

Well, “Roseanne” and me.

Contact Dana King at

Dana King

Dana King

Multitasking duties between the Newton News, PCM Explorer and the Jasper County Tribune.