May 08, 2024

Goodbye old friend

Reasnor has lost an old friend this week. The old friend was the one you could go to when you needed to talk to someone, find out about a local person’s sickness, death or birth in the family.

This old friend has been a part of Reasnor for many, many years. Our old friend is the Reasnor Post Office. It was the “heart” of our town.

Reasnor’s post office, like so many other towns, has suffered due to all the high-tech gadgets. The hours that the window was open had gone down to four hours a day, but I feel we had adjusted pretty well to that. At least it was still open.

I’ve heard the reason for the closing was due to asbestos in the floor tile among other complaints.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

Goodbye “Old Friend.”

LuAnne Steenhoek
