May 02, 2024

Give me a break, Chuck

Isn’t it great to have our hack politician senator for life Chuck Grassley tell us poor peons why we aren’t multi-millionaires? Let’s take a look at how he has made so much money he’s worried about paying inheritance taxes.

He has been paid a farm subsidy every year he’s farmed. He has been on the government payroll for 50 years. Most of the time paying no health insurance premiums.

He will draw a paid-up retirement that cost him nothing. He has several million dollars of campaign money that is his when he retires.

And last but not least, heaven only knows how many thousands and thousands of dollars have been stuffed in his pockets by the lobbyists, especially the drug lobby.

There it is: An entire life spent on the government dole. Is it any reason why the rest of us don’t have to worry about inheritance taxes. It is politicians like him who don’t deserve but haul in more than their fair share. Give me a break! I think I’ll go have a drink.

Gearold Kielly
