May 01, 2024

Group from Holy Trinity serves community beyond church building

Building on the work they do every day, thousands of members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gathered together sometime during the weekend of Sept. 9-10 to serve their communities as part of “God’s work. Our hands.” The emphasis becomes a time for people to serve beyond the walls of their church building.

Wearing bright yellow T-shirts advertising a “God’s work. Our hands.” logo on the front and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on the back, a group from Holy Trinity offered their hands Sunday afternoon doing a special mission project to benefit the Newton Community. The project was sponsored by the Mission and Outreach Team at Holy Trinity.

The group walked the bike path from the high school to Maytag Park and then continued towards the Jasper County museum, picking up trash along the way. They report the weather was perfect for the outing, and they had a really good time. They found the path pretty clean and complimented the Newton Parks Department for their good work in keeping the path relatively clean of trash.