May 04, 2024

Seniors ACT scores above state average again

Newton Senior High School seniors have done it again, outpacing their state counterparts on the ACT test for the eighth consecutive year, school officials say. The ACT test is the most commonly-used
college entrance exam in the nation, testing students in English, math, reading and science.

Newton seniors in the class of 2017 averaged 22.2 on the test, while seniors statewide averaged 21.9. The performance of NHS graduates out-performed state seniors in three of the four subtests and outperformed national seniors across the board. Newton seniors were also more college-ready than national counterparts as defined by ACT in the four testing domains.

Newton student achievement was made more impressive as Iowa ranks annually as one of the top performing states on the ACT test. The national average for seniors in the class of 2017 was 21.0.

The results included 79 NHS seniors from the class of 2017 who completed the ACT test while in high school.