May 05, 2024

Fundraiser raises money for DMACC wastewater program

Annual Event Raises $18,007 for Student Scholarships

The fifth annual Shrimp and Bingo Scholarship Fundraiser raised $18,007 for the Des Moines Area Community College Foundation to fund DMACC Water Environmental Technology program scholarships for students. Over the past five years, $93,534.50 has been raised in this annual fundraiser. A total of 153 students have received scholarships from this fundraiser over the past five years.

People from the water and wastewater treatment industry, DMACC employees, including President Rob Denson and students in the program, attended the annual event last August.

The scholarships provided from money raised at the event are a difference maker to students.

The water and wastewater industry needs highly skilled workers to keep pace with the demand to modernize; as well as the numerous employees in the profession approaching retirement age.