May 03, 2024

Column: Kiss the cook

Editor’s note: This column orginally published Feb 23, 2016

I am by all accounts not the best cook. I am not a terrible cook, but I am not very adventurous and have stuck with the same 10 or so meals for the past eight years.

I only expanded my recipes to 10 after I got married and my husband wanted a little more variety than frozen pizza and pizza rolls. They are not very exciting, consisting of lasagna, grilled cheese and tomato soup, quesadillas and meatballs. I have tried different sides including cheesy fries, “healthy fries” which are seasoned potatoes thrown in the oven and steamed green beans.

I thought maybe after having kids I would start to grow my cooking abilities, but that has not been the case. We stick pretty closely to chicken nuggets, spaghettios, macaroni and cheese and noodles most nights with pancakes thrown in here or there. The girls do like their fruits so I keep a good stock of apples, oranges, peaches and bananas.

It wasn’t until my husband stated that he would like to start eating healthier that I thought I now have an opportunity to change things up and really get daring in the kitchen. I’m not sure he meant his request to be taken quite so literally, but I had ideas and was ready to start shopping for healthier options.

We don’t have set parameters, but my husband does have a gluten intolerance that I am hoping to work with. I know that when he eats gluten free he tends to feel better, with more energy, so that is what I am beginning with.

To begin our new healthy eating ways, I started searching the web for recipes. Like I said before, I am not a great or experienced cook, so the simpler the better for me. I knew I would have to get out of my comfort zone and work with foods I hadn’t before, but I wasn’t going to go wild and try something I couldn’t accomplish.

As I was looking, most meals centered around meat, specifically salmon, chicken and pork chops. I also looked for tasty sides and I was not surprised when brussels sprouts kept popping up, as they are the “vegetable of the month.”

With recipes in hand, I made a grocery list and headed to the store to begin shopping. I was pleasantly surprised that prices weren’t outlandish and I could feed us without paying an arm and a leg.

I stocked up on all of my meats and veggies and added quite a few new spices to my spice rack.

With everything in place I was ready to cook. My first dish attempt consisted of glazed salmon with seasoned brussels sprouts. I prepped my space, followed the directions and after about 30 minutes of prep and cook time, I had a meal.

Looking at it, I thought it would be OK. I have to admit I was worried and nervous when my husband took his first bites, but after gaining his approval, I dug in and actually really liked it.

I have many more recipes to try and I know they probably won’t all turn out as well as I hope, but I think I am on the right track to eating healthier.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at 641-792-3121 ext. 6534 or