April 28, 2024

Club news

Sunbonnet Questers

The November meeting of Sunbonnet Questers met Nov. 10 at the home of LaVon Roth. The meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Raymond at 7:50 p.m. Roll call was answered by eight members with memories of our favorite childhood book which stimulated great discussion about books we read as children and also books we read to our children.

Dorothy shared items from Tidbits by the state president including questions regarding the state motto and the Terrace Hill tea. Dorothy will send an email with more information regarding the tea.

Old business: Dorothy handed out copies of our current policies with a copy of the items the state organization wants to be considered for inclusion. It appears that our policies are in line with this list and a copy will be sent to the state organization.

Judy Swenson has offered to hostess the Christmas meeting. Discussion regarding food led to the decision that each of us will take an appetizer. The Christmas gifting project will remain with the recipients to be decided at the December meeting. There will be no gift exchange among members.

Jane Ann Cotton presented an outstanding program on lacquer boxes from Russia and the Ukraine. Jane Ann was first introduced to these boxes when she took her first trip to the Ukraine in May of 1993. In addition to the boxes she has a pair of candle holders given to her by the mother of her exchange daughter. Lacquer boxes originated in China 2,000 years ago and arrived in Europe in the 16th century. Jane Ann has beautiful boxes in several shapes including a sleigh as well as nesting dolls which she purchased in the Ukraine and Russia.