April 29, 2024

Club news

Chapter K-EN TTT

Chapter K-EN T.T.T. met at 2 p.m. Nov. 15 at the United Congregational Church to make the cheese balls for the group’s annual fundraiser. These were sold in advance, but those remaining will be available at the high school cheerleaders’ bazaar on Nov. 20, or from any member. A light supper was provided by host members and a business meeting followed. Secretary and treasurer’s reports were given. Committee reports included camp, which is planning a night out with the campers for the holidays. Rose Evans will be taking orders for RADA items. The budget committee was reminded that the project fund will need to be raised due to increased costs of camp. The budget will be adjusted to allow for that increase. The December meeting will be a dinner event. Each member is asked to bring a side dish and in place of gifts, the group agreed to donate to the school clothing fund. Food items will be donated to the Salvation Army at the winter meeting.