May 04, 2024

Payton for Iowa House District 29

On Nov. 8 I will be voting for Patrick Payton for Iowa House District 29. I’m supporting Patrick for the following reasons. One of the key issues next year that will affect all Iowans will be developing a budget. Patrick is in favor of spending less than the government takes in. As an attorney, businessman and having a family, Patrick understands the value of a dollar. Patrick will work hard so that all Iowans will keep more money in their pockets. Secondly, I’m supporting Patrick because he wants to improve our schools and keep control at a local level. Patrick has been a teacher for many years and understands the value of a good education. Finally, Patrick wants to increase career opportunities by investing in a skilled and competitive workforce. Time and time again what I hear from employers, they are unable to find skilled workers. To help grow Iowa, we need programs that will help Iowans develop theirs skills for higher paying jobs. Please vote for Patrick Payton for Iowa House District 29 on Nov. 8.

Craig Trotter
