April 29, 2024

Supports local Democrats

As Election Day approaches I would to tell you why I’m asking people to vote for Sandy Shaver, Wes Breckenridge and Martin Duffy VI.

Sandy worked at Maytag and was a very active UAW member. As a retiree Sandy still does many things in the union and as well as for Jasper County. Sandy is the newly elected Retiree Chair to Iowa CAP E-board. I have seen Sandy attend meetings and ask questions. Sandy will get things done and will be a great asset to Jasper County Supervisors, and of course, we need more women in these roles.

Wes Breckenridge has been active in the community not only as a police officer but served on Democratic central committee as a vice chair and now as precinct chair. Wes cares about community, has participated in NAMI walks both state and local, ran the Special Olympics touch run, serving with Newton Says No to Human Trafficking and to the craziness with the MCO. Wes will answer your calls and take time to sit down and talk to you no matter who you are. These qualities I want see in the next representative of the Iowa House.

Martin Duffy is also a hard working candidate and will work hard for Jasper County and the other the areas he represents. Martin was a school teacher and knows the importance of education in your schools. Martin was also an active union member as an educator.

Please take the time to meet Sandy, Wes and Martin. They work hard every day to be elected and will serve Jasper County well. Remember your vote does count.

Stephanie McCumber
