May 02, 2024

Kellogg United Methodist Church celebrates 150 years

Kellogg United Methodist Church reaches a milestone in its vast history marking 150 years of service in the Kellogg community. In 1866, the church was formed. Prior to that time, Sunday School was held in a railroad passenger coach.

Through the years, the church has undergone several enhancements including the education unit addition in 1966-1967, the front entrance & ramp in 2000, and an interior facelift in 2012.

One of the greatest accomplishments has been the bi-annual Ice Cream Social fundraiser held for many decades. Most recently, KUMC has provided an Open Hand Supper. This is a free, homemade meal followed by a worship service, usually on the third Saturday of each month. Another great achievement has been Kellogg United Methodist Church’s involvement with East Jasper Christian Food Pantry in connection with other local churches. The pantry is housed in the parsonage next door to the church.

To commemorate the 150th year milestone, fundraisers were held through the year to support celebration festivities. On Oct. 1, a pizza social was held. Then on Oct. 2, a continental breakfast, worship celebration, and catered luncheon were enjoyed. Those in attendance included our church family, visitors, former and current pastors and the new District Superintendent.

Plans are underway to assemble a time capsule to conclude this year’s events.