May 03, 2024

United Way hosting school supply drive during summer concert

Newton Daily News

The United Way of Jasper County, in conjunction with the Newton Parks & Recreation, is hosting a school supply drive to help children in need as they head back to school.

United Way staff and volunteers will be collecting school supplies during the final Maytag Bowl summer concert on Aug. 19. The concert starts at 7 p.m. and will feature Des Moines-based group Faculty Lounge at the Maytag Bowl. It is the final concert of the summer hosted by Newton Parks & Recreation. Items also can be dropped off until Aug. 19, at the United Way office, 312 First Ave. W. in Newton,

“The United Way is extremely happy to helping gather needed supplies for Jasper County children,” said Jessica Lowe, UWJC Executive Director. “We appreciate Parks Administrative Superintendent Nathan Unsworth and the Newton Parks & Recreations Department for their assistance in making this supply drive happen.”

Suggested items to donate include: 24-count boxes of crayons, small glue sticks, boxes of tissues, pocket folders, scissors, pink erasers, No. 2 pencils, markers, colored pencils, black dry erase markers, wide-lined spiral notebooks, plastic supply box, yellow highlighters, wide-lined loose leaf paper, 2-inch inch ring binder, 3x5-inch note cards, and zipper pencil bag.

Supplies collected will be distributed to Jasper County schools to help children in need of items for school.

“Donating a few items like crayons or folders, notebooks or glue sticks can really make a difference to a family who is struggling financially to pay for the necessary school supplies,” Lowe said. “We will work with the Jasper County schools to ensure the supplies get to the children who need them.”