May 04, 2024

Rage and hate begets rage and hate

I felt I needed to write in light of all the tensions going on in the past few months in our nation. We have seen the horrific actions against the LGBT community, peace officers and black communities. It made me realize what kind of times we are living in. When did we become a society of such rage? It should really affect all of us as humans.

Another kind of prejudice I witness right here is how some people view the mentally challenged or learning disabled groups. It is sad to see kids in school being poked fun at because maybe they don’t learn as fast, or they say or do things to some people seem unusual to them. Instead of making fun of them, or not talk to them at all, here is a new concept: Why not try inclusion? Ask them to sit at your lunch table or walk down the halls together instead of treating them like they are not there. Believe me, if some of these less verbal kids could speak, they would say I am here and would just like to be treated nicely and have friends. I can say some of this as I have experienced this in my life raising a learning disabled adult child. The disabilities did not come into our lives fully until the age of 12.

It is not just the kids that do these things. They have to get it from their adult peers, maybe from home or outside sources like TV or social media. I have seen many young adults who make fun and mimic the way a disabled person walks or their mannerisms. These young adults need to quit being so immature and grow up. I can only hope that these adults never have to experience a child with disabilities of any kind and hope that their kids remain healthy for their lives. Before our kids of today grow up to be like many of the adults today, we could really take hold of these kids and teach them so they could turn out to be better citizens and human beings of tomorrow. There is to be no other judge than that of God above. We cannot treat other human beings cruelly. I was always taught that rage and hate only begets rage and hate.

So why do we continue to do that?

Becky Woody
