May 01, 2024

I guess I’ll vote yes

I am reluctantly going to be voting “yes” for the upcoming bond issue to build a new Berg school. My wife and I are 24, have one small child, and plan to have more. We fully appreciate the need for a quality school system. As someone who attended Berg and has spoken with multiple teachers at Berg regarding the condition, I realize something needs to be done.

I also understand being a responsible steward of my money is essential to my success and family. As of late, I feel the current superintendent and school board have not been good stewards of our tax money. The outrageous spending just continues. A new school will be nice and needed, but we can’t find any cheaper alternative? The bond will be voted for in September and if it doesn’t pass, in another six months the school board and committee will force it down our throats again, and again until passed at the cost of the taxpayer each time. I urge the current board and superintendent to exercise fiscal restraint and run the finances as they would their own, responsibly.

Ben Miller
