May 18, 2024

Have a catch

“Hey Dad. You want to have a catch?”

Not only is it one of the best lines from one of my all-time favorite movies, “Field of Dreams,” but it is also a question I myself have asked my own father countless times.

Playing catch has always been a favorite pastime, my glove is always in my trunk, ready for a round at any moment. A good high school friend and I will always find time to have a game of catch if our busy schedules ever align.

My two favorite throwing partners are my dad and my sister. I can’t even begin to count the number of times we have lined up across for one another and threw the ball around. Even when our school careers were over, and we were playing slow-pitch, Trish and I would warm up our arms in the outfield grass before the game.

I was reminded of all the years my family and I would be outside playing our favorite game during one of my evening walks. I made my way to Maytag Park and walked on the Newton Hike and Bike Trail for about a mile and half before turning around and heading back toward my building. As I rounded the curve along West Fourth Street South, I spotted a group of kids playing softball in the yard. I have no idea if they were related; but in my mind, I immediately saw them as brothers and sisters having a nice backyard contest. Big sister was pitching to little brother while little sister played in the field.

The first pitch was lobbed in and little brother swung and missed. It was retrieved by even younger brother waiting his turn to bat. Little sister called out suggestions from her position between the objects used to mark first and second base. Little brother had a determined look in his eye as he prepared for the next pitch. The ball sailed toward home plate, little brother took a small step, swung his tiny bat and connected, sending a hard grounder shooting through the grass. He released his bat and hurried around the bases before his little sister stopped the ball and tossed it back to big sister. Little brother had himself a nice double.

My route turned me back into Maytag Park and away from the backyard game; therefore, I can only imagine what the youngest brother did in his turn at the bat. My own memories of playing backyard softball with my siblings and parents can create quite the game in my head.

That’s what summer as a kid was all about for me — outside playing softball or baseball until it was time for supper.

That’s where it all started, having a catch in the backyard. I still find time to throw the ball around with my dad, sister and brother — taking a Rodgers’ infield if we have the time. Playing catch has always been relaxing and therapeutic in more ways than one.

When I hurt my shoulder, my dad was the best supporter, helping me rehab it, so I could still continue to play. He and I would play a weekly game of catch either in the gym or at the little league diamond. It still hurts from time to time and when that happens, I’m sure I’ll be back out there with dad, rehabbing both of our ailing shoulders.

So if you like to play catch, go have a catch with dad, mom, sister, friend or whoever in your life is willing. Just enjoy yourself with a glove, a ball and someone you love being around, and hopefully you find a little therapy every time the ball hits the mitt.

Contact Pam Rodgers
