May 06, 2024

Hometown Rewards Energy Fair Thursday

‘Simply Electrifying’ Science Center of Iowa show featured

“Simply Electrifying,” a Science Center of Iowa show, is headlining the Hometown Rewards Energy Fair on Thursday.

In its second year, the fair also features the oldest appliance in Newton, various energy educations stations and an energy saving competition for elementary students from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Newton Public Library.

“There will be weatherization demonstrations, elementary student energy saving projects, crank generators, fuel cell demonstrations, mini wind turbines, and more,” Jackie Boat, energy efficiency community coordinator said. “Energy efficiency can be creative and fun, and when something is fun it is all the easier to do.”

The winner of the Oldest in Newton appliance recycling competition, a 75-year-old refrigerator, will be used at a painting station where attendants can help make it into a bookshelf. The fair will also have a bounce house for children and the Domino’s food truck.

“Elementary students are competing in the energy saving competition with a variety of neat projects. They will be displayed and judged at the fair,” Boat said.

Several free give-aways will take place along with door prizes including a $500 LED lighting replacement, a Honewell Wi-Fi touch screen thermostat and a Samsung Smart Things Home monitoring system. Tickets can be collected at stations for the drawings.

The Hometown Rewards program celebrates Iowa communities for cutting back energy use. The program partnered with Newton in 2015, working to set energy savings goals and find ways to meet them over a two-year period.

“Our first year has seen some great progress. People are engaging, and we are on track to reach our energy saving goals for Newton,” Boat said. “This year we need to keep up the momentum by using the mechanisms that have been proven to work, such as energy evaluations, rebates and energy education, as well as experimenting with new ideas.”

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at 641-792-3121 ext. 6534 or