May 07, 2024

Breckenridge will unite party

Last week I went down to the auditor’s office in the courthouse and voted in the Democratic Primary.

I have known the two candidates for State Representative for a number of years. On the basis of my personal experiences and of that of others whom I respect, I voted for Wes Breckenridge to represent us in the House for next two years.

Wes has a proven record as a trustworthy, hard-working, public servant. Putting his life on the line to protect our lives and make this a safer, better place in which to live.

Politically, I have heard him over and over insist that his workers run a positive campaign. I am confident he will do all in his power to bring the party together. He is truly a uniter, not a divider. Talk to him if you get a chance. I know he will listen to you and treat you with respect.

I hope you will make your own trip down to the auditor’s office and vote for Wes Breckenridge in the Democratic Primary. It is easy, and I am confident that you won’t be sorry.

If not then, vote for Wes Breckenridge on June 7 at the polling booth.

Fritz Kramer