May 01, 2024

Invest in the next generation

By supporting the Newton Community Schools bond issue, you will be investing in the education of the next generation.

I volunteered at Berg several years ago as a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa. I spent time in the Berg complex as I mentored my little and thought I was pretty familiar with the building. Recently, I had the opportunity to tour the Berg complex as part of the Bond Committee. The tour opened my eyes to the conditions that our students are spending time in each school day.

While, at one time, the complex was state of the art — times have changed. It’s not just building codes, ADA requirements and safety concerns that have changed. The way our students are learning, the future of education and the face of our community have all shifted. The current complex is hindering our students’ ability to learn and grow.

Yes, this bond will increase our property taxes. But it will do so at much less of a cost than remodeling the current building and putting a band-aid on the problems. A successful bond vote will increase the local property tax levy for “debt services” by eight cents from $2.62 to $2.70 per $1,000 of taxable property valuation. For example, a $100,000 home x .556259 = $55,625.90 is taxable value x $2.70/$1,000 tax rate = $150.19 in taxes. This would be an increase of $4.45 over the 2016-2017 tax rate.

The increase to my annual property taxes for this bond will be less than $4.45. Giving up my favorite coffee drink once this year will cover the increase in my property taxes. I have no problems with helping educate the next generation for the cost of a coffee drink. As a single-income homeowner, I stick to a pretty strict budget. Someone pointed out to me recently, my property taxes stay in our community. I’m investing in my community by paying property taxes. Which makes me think that I’d rather pay a property tax than any other type of tax.

Newton must move forward with a new middle school complex. This will ensure that we, as a community, value our students, their education and their future. Please join me in voting yes on Sept. 13.

Danielle Rogers
