May 05, 2024

Breckenridge has my respect

I am writing in support of State Representative candidate District 29 Wes Breckenridge. I have known Wes for several years from my time working in our local Emergency Room as an ER tech and later as a nurse. Wes, working as a police officer, would bring individuals in for treatment or evaluation. I was impressed at the level of professionalism that Wes always exemplified. The individual was treated with dignity and respect on his watch and ER staff knew they could depend on Wes for cooperation during the stay, especially if circumstances were difficult. Wes knew the value of maintaining calm order and control to defuse the tense situation and keep everyone safe.

Recently, I have worked with Wes on the Newton Says No to Human Trafficking committee. He has spent time educating our town and surrounding communities on this appalling disregard of human life and dignity and is willing to give of himself and his knowledge to get the word out on recognizing and reporting circumstances that seem out of the ordinary or unusual and may be a sign of human trafficking. He has given informational talks to local business representatives, clubs and service organizations. He has placed information on human trafficking in motels, truck stops and business establishments and organized educational meetings to work on solutions to this issue in our area. He has been an active member along with other leaders of this group and also works closely with Mike Ferjak, senior criminal investigator with the Iowa Department of Justice.

I respect Wes Breckenridge and his visions for his candidacy.

Lori Ward
