May 03, 2024

Loebsack tours Jasper County Law Enforcement Center

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U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack and district representative Bri Dennison found themselves in a jail cell Tuesday afternoon.

They weren’t in any kind of trouble. They were simple being taken on a tour of the Jasper County Law Enforcement Center by the chief jailer, Wendy Hecox.

Loebsack (D-Mt. Pleasant) came to Newton on Tuesday as part of one of his frequent visits to the Jasper County area. He was scheduled to receive both a tour and ridealong from Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Duane Rozendaal, who was unavailable, so Hecox filled in.

Loebsack and Dennison were able to see the small jail courtroom, prisoner housing areas, holding cells, fingerprinting and processing area, kitchen and dispatch center. Hecox outlined some of the everyday challenges for the jail and other law enforcement staff, as well as how certain procedures have become more efficient through technology.

The brief tour included a look at an armored former military vehicle now housed at the center and used occasionally for dangerous situations. Loebsack said the vehicle reminded him of his visits to Iraq, where his stepson served with the U.S. Marines.

Loebsack seemed particularly interested in both the advances in fingerprinting technology — some of which have involved federal grants approved by Congress. He also asked about what sorts of crimes central Iowa inmates are often charged with, which led to dialogue about methamphetamine and the challenges presented to jailers and other law enforcement.

The Congressmen was also shown the county’s dispatch center — another spot where technology funding is important to first responders.

Loebsack recently filed to run for his sixth term in the U.S. House. He won’t have a Democratic opponent in the primary cycle, but Dr. Chris Peters, a surgeon from Coralville, is an unopposed Republican who will challenge Loebsack for the District 2 seat in November.

Contact Jason W. Brooks at 641-792-3121 ext. 6532 or