April 29, 2024

Politics, religion and pipe dreams

The whole world is a stage of insanity when it comes to politics, religions and even at times soul mates like a man and a woman who live together for a time discovering reasons to hate each other to the point of killing.

Governments in my opinion are similar to marriages, (party) divorces and those within it having affairs outside of their marriages (parties). And yes even to the point of murder. After most fights they kiss and make up, or it at least appears so.

Religions, I found do demand certain things from their flocks, I personally like the demand “Love one another the way I have loved you.” Yet histories tell me genocides have most certainly played a huge part of eliminating many religions and societies.

In my opinion, we need our politicians, government bodies, marriages and religions but I do find some are really screwed up, sick and greedy people in all of them.  I, of course, have always followed a path of no errors. (Hmmm)

Which reminds me, I am thinking about getting a dog that will love me and I him or her, but just as sure as I have a belly-button, he or she will no doubt go to the bathroom on my floor a few times and I might just let his or her water and food dish run dry.  (The baths will always happen.)

At the end of my rant I say this; Would it not be nice if everyone, every government and every religion would care about one another to live and let live in peace. That, my friends I believe to be a pipe dream, but it would be nice.

One thing that is possible in my opinion is this, each of us can try to be the best person possible and hope that others will follow. In the meantime, we must defend ourselves from those that would like to see us controlled, enslaved or dead.

I am not telling it the way it is. I am telling you how I perceive it to be.

James Wilson McKinstry
