May 18, 2024

Time for a change

Dana Woody


I was disappointed when I saw Rep. Dan Kelley’s financial statement listed recently in the Newton Daily News. This marks the second report in a row that Dan’s campaign account has shown a negative balance. His own report shows that he has once again spent more money than he has taken in. Mr. Kelley is the only legislator in the state that reported a negative balance in his financial report. That should concern all constituents of House District 29.

I have worked with Dan Kelley in the past and personally, I like him. Unfortunately, at this point, I feel he has lost touch with our district. I am a lifelong Democrat. I have supported and voted for Dan Kelley in the past two elections. I won’t be doing so this time. I am glad to see we will have a choice in the June democratic primary. Wes Breckenridge has dedicated himself to the City of Newton, and Jasper County in many ways. I believe it is time to elect a representative who will stay active in the communities they are elected to represent. I believe that person is Wes Breckenridge. Please consider joining me and cast your vote for Wes Breckenridge, a positive change for Jasper County.