May 02, 2024

On my own

It has started — my week as a single parent.

I don’t have room to complain that my husband is off with his buddies somewhere warm doing nothing but causing trouble. He is actually working in Haiti with his company and a mission organization to put solar panels up for more efficient electricity.

This will be the longest one of us has ever left the other with the two kiddos — a total of eight days. I am happy he is doing good in the world, but I know by the time Sunday rolls around, I will be more than ready for him to be home.

For the most part, taking care of the kids by myself isn’t a huge deal. My husband leaves for work before we get up and comes home after we have already been there for a couple of hours. I am in charge of getting the kids ready for school and daycare and usually have done afternoon snacks and the beginning of dinner on my own.

My parents are also a huge help when it comes to the girls. This happens to be the week I have an evening meeting and they will take care of the kids, feed them dinner and keep them safe and happy, watching them until I make it home, no matter what the hour. Having a flexible schedule is great, but it is made possible by my parents being able to help out on a moment’s notice.

I was also lucky enough to get treats for school this week, which will add some time to my morning prep. I am one to pick sleep over everything but my kids, so getting up early to make apple and banana cars and Jell-O oceans with orange boats will kick me in the behind.

Most evenings the girls are pretty good. They play together pretty well and don’t fight too much. I will miss my husband when both are having meltdowns, and I can only console or question one at a time.

Also, when I am the only one who is available to get the juice, followed by the milk as soon as I set down the juice and the snacks, usually one at a time. I wish I had more time to exercise, but I think I get quite the workout running around after two little girls.

By the end of the week, I hope I still have all of my hair, my house isn’t in shambles and I got enough sleep to function. I did schedule an overnight visit with the other grandparents this weekend to give myself a night of recovery before my husband gets back and I have three to take care of again.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at
641-792-3121 ext. 6534